
Uses of bitter Almonds

Bitter almond is one of the nutritious nuts that offers many therapeutic benefits. Almonds have two types, one sweet and the other bitter. It has a different taste to sweet Mamra almonds and is bitter and fragrant due to its chemicals and toxins. The high oil content of these nuts has many health benefits.

Healthy bitter Almonds for health

Unlike sweet almonds, bitter Almonds cannot be used raw. Sweet almonds are a key ingredient in nuts, but bitter Almonds are not easy to eat. bitter Almonds have a different flavor than sweet almonds only with a substance with hydrocyanic compounds. Hydrocyanic poison is dangerous and will become cyanide in the body. Therefore, the use of this brain should be carefully considered to prevent poisoning. Sweet almonds are a great option for snacks, but can be eaten less orally.

Often used to enhance the properties of this bad-tasting seed, its oil is used directly or in compounds such as moisturizing creams and lipsticks. It may only be possible to eat less than the number of fingers. Because these high-quality nuts are extremely bitter, they have a healthier properties than sweet ones. In traditional medicine, bitter Almonds are considered warm and dry.

Its appearance with sweet Mamra almonds is slightly different in appearance. That is, bitter Almonds are slightly shorter in height and more prominent and sweeter than sweet almonds. Both skin have light brown and white inside. Sweet almonds have a delicious and tasty taste, but bitter Almonds are so bad and bitter that they can’t even be chewed or swallowed. For this reason, products made from it can be used for health.

bitter almonds

Important and useful properties of bitter Almonds

bitter Almonds orally can sometimes lead to death. For this reason, they use oil to benefit from its numerous properties. This bad grain loses its toxicity when it is heated and processed. This seed and its oil have a sharp and recognizable odor that can be distinguished from other oils for the benefit of its properties.

Many medicinal and therapeutic aspects of bitter almond properties are used in traditional medicine.

Oil for the treatment of constipation is used as a laxative.

This brain oil is very suitable for treating muscle aches, especially muscle spasms. Massage can be massaged with a few drops to improve spasm.

It is a great option for treating cough as well as cough. However, it is better to use it in a controlled and limited manner for this treatment so as not to cause poisoning.

The powder or oil of this seed is a soothing pain.

Bitter almond oil can be very effective in treating skin eczema and it also improves dryness and skin cracks.

Bitter almond oil or powder can help to eliminate facial spots and wrinkles. As well as its properties, it will improve and eliminate pimples on the face and body.

bitter almonds

Harmful Risks of Edible bitter Almonds

Unlike a sweet one that doesn’t eat and only needs to be consumed with moderation, it is extremely dangerous and can be deadly at times. The hydrocyanic acid in it becomes cyanide upon entering the body and even in combination with saliva, water or gastric acid. For this reason, many countries have banned eating bitter Almonds. Consuming 7 to 10 grains of this unprocessed brain may pose a risk of death. That is, symptoms such as shortness of breath, destroying the nervous system and subsequently leading to death.

Uses of bitter Almonds

Due to the dangers of eating bitter Almonds, useful things to enjoy its important properties cannot be ignored. This brain loses its hydrocyanic acid when processed, cooked and heat-treated. That is why it can be used in many cases. Used in the industry for soap making, beauty lotions, shampoos, creams, body cleansers and many more Irani Mamra. The extracted oil was used in the preparation of butter and almond extract in food.

Long-term storage of bitter Almonds and preserving its properties

It contains many unsaturated fatty acids that are likely to rot. It is best to keep the products made with it in cool, dry environments to prevent it from spoiling. In addition, it is best to keep it in a dark place away from direct sunlight so that its beneficial properties are not lost. If bitter almond oil needs to be stored for a long time or itself, it is best to keep it in closed containers without air, preferably in a cool place. It can even be frozen in the freezer, which should not enter the air.

Detection of high quality bitter Almonds oil

It is best to make a bitter almond oil of high quality and pure from lubricating oils or perfumes that oil the almonds in the presence of the customer. Because some vendors or lubricants combine it with apricot kernel oil or other fruit kernels, this can be hazardous to health. Almond oil is translucent and has a bitter and nasty scent that helps to identify it correctly.

This method is common in many stores in Iran and those who wish to use it, refer to authentic Atari for its preparation.

bitter Almonds have more than sweet properties. But it is best to use it topically because of the toxicity it may cause. You must purchase it from a reputable store to purchase and use it. This high-quality seed can be effective in treating many skin problems, but it is best to use moderation.

Like some other toxic foods, eating bitter Almonds can be safe. Exactly what temperature is needed to eliminate the hydrogen cyanide toxin is not clear. If you want to make a food that uses bitter Almonds, it is best to use a recipe that has passed the test.

Many believe that bitter Almonds lose their toxicity when cooked; however, it is forbidden to sell raw nuts in the United States. bitter Almonds are still used in Europe and elsewhere. bitter Almonds are sold in pharmacies in Germany and are part of Christmas or Christmas fruit made in Germany. Bitter almonds are used in some foods and cookies in Europe and can be used in certain types of sweet syrup in Greece.

bitter Almonds can be processed to produce almond and lemon juice with a taste of almonds. When cooked, prostatic acid comes out.


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